Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Happy Gotcha Day Ella Grace!

Ella Grace, 2 years ago!
Ella Grace!

Two years ago, after a L.O.N.G. two days of traveling, we finally arrived in Nan Chang, with the thought that we had ONE more night to catch up on sleep and get ourselves ready to meet our girl!  When we got to the airport and were met by our guide, we were told we would be meeting Ella Grace in just a couple of short hours!  Boy were we shocked, but soooo excited and ready!  We got to the hotel and had about an hour to get our room ready, and when the knock on the door came, with our hearts pounding, we opened up that door to be greeted by a tiny, quiet little girl, who wasn't quite sure what was going on in her world.  We couldn't wait to get her out of that stroller and hold her in our arms.  We were so suprised, and admittedly scared at how very small and fragile she was, but the LOVE was already there!  It didn't take her long to give us some of her beautiful smiles, and once she did, we knew everything was going to be okay, and it truly was!  We are so grateful to call this spunky, energetic, beautiful, smart girl our daughter!  We had no idea the blessings that would abound because she was a part of our family!  Happy Gotcha Day, Ella Grace!  WE LOVE YOU!!!

My husband put together a video of pictures from her life in China to one of my favorite songs that I sing to her alot....and I always wondered if anyone told her how truly beautiful she was/is.  We tell her quite often how beautiful she is!  Over time, we have learned of some wonderful, wonderful women who indeed, DID tell her how beautiful she was!  She was blessed to be loved by so many before she came home, and it's our priveledge to remind her every day how beautiful she is!  God made her to be such a treasure!

Click on the link below!